
Advanced Fire Shader pro add-on For Blender






Here is an Advanced fire shader Pro-add-on for the blender, which gives you an awesome cinematic fire fx shader for the Mantaflow simulations inside of Blender.

This was already present as a blend file for appending on other marketplaces where it got a very good response and now this is upgraded to version 2.0 which is a completely new version.

You don't need to append the material manually as earlier as we made this an add-on and now, you just click a button and the shader is already there in your node editor.

We present this add-on as a Lite Version of Blaze addon (as Blaze add-on consists of 26+color presets and much more unique features.)

It has 9 presets along with a realistic fire shader and you can also set your custom colors to it. According to your need, it is a fully customizable fire shader so you can create a lot of changes just with a few handles.

This is a 'click and Go' shader this makes your work a lot easy.

You need not think a lot, just append the material in your custom scene with a single button and here you go! 

It's that simple !!! To shade a fire! Or any custom fx scene.

This is a completely procedural shader, and you can always tab into the node group and make changes as you want but I assure you, you won't need to do that.

This add-on will work in blender 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.90, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93 and of course, 24/7 support will be available to you if you are having any problems regarding this add-on.



Version 2.1 

  • Fixed compatibility issue with latest versions of Blender.
  • Added VDB support.


Note - If you have already purchased the Blaze add-on you do not need to purchase this separately as you have already got this


License: Standard royalty free license




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Jul 11, 2021

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